Solutions Pre-Intermediate Student´s Book 2nd Edition - 2nd edition

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There are 10 units in each level of Solutions. Each unit follows the same structure making it easy to follow for both teachers and students:A: Vocabulary and ListeningVocabulary and Listening lessons introduce the main topic of the unit. Vocabulary is presented in lexical sets and reinforced through the listening texts. The lesson always ends with an achievable and supported speaking opportunity t ...Celý popis

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Více informací
Autor P.A. Davies
Vydavatel Oxford University Press
Počet stran136
Rok vydání2012
Stavvelmi dobrý

Popis knihy

There are 10 units in each level of Solutions. Each unit follows the same structure making it easy to follow for both teachers and students:A: Vocabulary and ListeningVocabulary and Listening lessons introduce the main topic of the unit. Vocabulary is presented in lexical sets and reinforced through the listening texts. The lesson always ends with an achievable and supported speaking opportunity to use the new words in a personalized way.B: GrammarNew grammar points are presented in context in a short reading text at the start of each page. Students work out the rules in guide activities, helping them develop a deeper understanding of the grammar rules. Each lesson gradually builds to a speaking task so that students have an opportunity to use what they have learnt.C: CultureCulture lessons always include a reading text which provides cultural information about Britain, the USA or another English-speaking country. Students are asked to give their own opinions on the topic and there is a challenge! Box on the corresponding Workbook page which asks students to find out about their own culture. Culture pages always include both reading and listening practice.D: GrammarLesson D is the second grammar page for the unit and it presents the second main grammar point. It follows the same pattern as the first grammar page with the grammar first presented in context in the short reading text and then summarized in the Learn this box. The lesson ends with a speaking task giving students the opportunity to personalise the language they have learnt.E: ReadingThis lesson stretches over a full double page spread and contains the main reading text for the unit. The texts are always interesting and relevant to teenagers and they recycle the main grammar points from lessons B and D.F: SpeakingThe speaking page gives students the opportunity to practice all the grammar and vocabulary they have learnt in the unit so far. The approach to speaking is very supportive and begins with a model text that students listen to and complete. This is followed by lots of controlled practice until the final task in the lesson which is a more open task where students can personalise the language. Weaker students can use the model to complete the task while stronger students can make up their own dialogues.G: WritingThe final lesson in every unit is the Writing lesson. This lesson really develops students writing skills. It always begins with a model text which is followed by a writing strategy box which guide students through the process of creating their own text. This is then followed by the writing task. Students first discuss their ideas in pairs and then they work through the writing task. There is a handy check your work box at the end of the task to encourage students to look back over their work and ensure they have followed the guide.Language Review and Skills Round-Up At the end of every even numbered unit there is a Language Review and Skills Round-up spread. The language review includes exercises focusing on vocabulary, grammar and functions from the preceding two units. The marks available on the page always total 30 so it is easy to monitor progress through the book. The Skills Round-up page covers all the preceding units of the book. The material is centred around a girl called Anna, who is living and working in Britain. The lesson includes practice of all four skills.Get Ready for your ExamAt the end of every odd numbered unit there is a Get Ready For your Exam spread which prepares students for the FCE style school leaving exam. These pages include exam tasks for listening, reading, speaking, writing and use of English. Each exam lesson includes activities to prepare students for typical exam tasks and provide them with the language and skills they need to do them successfully. The pages relate to the topics of the previous two units. Further exam preparation is available in the workbook.Grammar Builder and Vocabulary BuilderThere is also a Grammar Builder and Reference section and a Vocabulary Builder section at the back of the Student's Book. These sections provide extra support and practice for each of the grammar points covered in the Student's Book. The Vocabulary Builder section helps students extend their vocabulary around the topics covered in the main units. This makes great extension material for stronger students or fast finishers.
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Restocks kredity můžete získat hned několika způsoby:
Za registraci: Připojením k našemu hejnu získáte automaticky 20 Restocks. 
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Nebojte, na využití Restocks kreditů máte dostatek času. Jakmile kredit přistane na vašem účtu, je platný půl roku.

Jak zjistím, kolik mám kreditů?

Jednoduše se přihlaste ke svému Restorio účtu a pod záložkou „Moje body odměn“ najdete aktuální stav kreditů i kompletní přehled historie. 


Jak můžu kredity uplatnit?

Restocks kredity můžete využít k úhradě svých nákupů (1 Restocks = 1 koruna). Využití kreditů je jednoduché. Nejdříve se přihlaste do svého Restorio účtu. V košíku pak před dokončením objednávky zvolte možnost použití kreditů. Cena objednávky se vám ihned sníží podle jejich hodnoty.


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Snadno, rychle, online. Nečekáte až se knihy prodají. Peníze máte do 10 dnů na účtu. Stačí zadat ISBN knihy (nebo deskovky či videohry) a její prodejní cenu zjistíte hned.
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Ověřeno zákazníky Získali jsme certifikát Ověřeno zákazníky na, kde zákazníci často chválí rychlost dodání, výhodné ceny a široký sortiment. Prolétněte všechny recenze.

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Nebo si můžete vybrat oblíbenou charitu, my přidáme 20% navíc a peníze z Vašich knih poputují tam. Takto jsme společně darovali už přes 750 000 Kč.